Blog to website

Earlier I had mentioned I'm working on something with respect to the thing that I make. It has been a Work In Progress for quite a while now. I had bought a domain name last year and was still thinking about whether or not to commit to a webpage. Finally I took the leap and got a webpage (yay!).
So the whole idea of setting up a basic webpage is to put up the different product types I hope to sew and sell. These are not going to be mass produced, but handcrafted, with love and care.
I took a break from my career for my kids. It wasn't a decision taken on a whim, but out of a real need. Do I like being a career woman? I sure do (like a lot of women out there) but among other things I realized that my kids were in a phase where they need their mother not the Nanny or housemaid, but ME. But I think I've reached a point where I want to do some good with all the things I make. I want to Spread the Joy... Yes, that's right! I'm happy when I sew or craft or bake and I want to share that happiness with others and my way of doing that was by putting up a sample photo of the products I make on the webpage and if anyone is interested in buying, they can get in touch with me :-). More on that later.


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